Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A list of non sincere thank you's

-Thank you to the Northeast derby convention for being scum of the earth and not refunding my mother fucking 200 dollar ticket.

-Thank you for Blocky Balboa for telling me you would buy said ticket from me because I can't get a refund since february and JUST telling me today, after everyone already has theirs, that you will no longer buy it.

- Big thanks to Q for making me call black mamba and not just taking my money to pick up the knee pads simply because she knows I HATE talking on the phone.

- Thank you mom AND gramma for making me go to prom when I said I didn't want to go and didn't have the money to go for making be feel like an asshole for asking you for money to go to prom.

- The biggest thanks to all to fucking roller derby for making me feel completely worthless.

Swag. Duces.

Yeah, I just fucking blogged about it.

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