As I promised I would recap the weekend and measure expected awesome to actual awesome, which let me tell you, the expected awesome was much less than the actual awesome that this weekend beheld.
Friday: 3/16
Q and myself in party city. |
School was a drag but it wasn't totally awful, I was still really glad to get out. Danica and myself drove to syracuse, found Q's house, loaded in about a weeks worth of things, and decided we should go get some last minutes St. Patrick's day things before dinner. A trip to party city is something that is not taken lightly. Aisle after aisle of morph suits, sparkly things and costumes. We couldn't decided if we wanted beer hats, shamrock headbands or tiaras. We ended up with headbands and tiara's after storming around the store like we owned the place.
Fajita madness |
No one was really all that impressed with
us. Having three derby girls running, yelling, and hip checking each other around your store is no one's dream.. well maybe ours.
So we leave party city and move on the The House of Mexicans (AKA Azteca Mexican Grill) There we met up with Doogie, her sister Becca, Ema and her boyfriend Justin. I'm quite the lover of Mexican food so I went for the Fajitas. Before the food came out we destroyed some sausage queso dip, when Q said it was life changing she wasn't
Hold that pose! |
Danica/Rick James/Old Gregg and myself |
messing around. We ate, it was hella good, we went to five below, then returned to Q's apartment to wait for midnight so we could go to Tipp hill. Every year at 12AM on ST Patrick's day on Tipp hill in Syracuse a very drunk man reads all the names of the deceased members of the Irish community, paints a shamrock with a mop and everyone drinks heavily. It was a cool thing to watch, the weather was nice, and I would definitely go back next year, cool shit. We went back to Gerri's went to bed, day over.
Saturday: 3/17
Commemorating our journey to the dunk. |
Woke up, drank a lot of coffee and ate some of Q's finest coffee cake, got ready and mobbed out on our way to Albany. We straight shotted it minus a trip to dons, then we arrived in the city of Albany... who was hosting a parade, which means that the entire main road to the city was shut down and parking didnt exist. So before we go to the tattoo shop we decided to stop at a Dunkin Dounts to pee, we go in, we go out, we head towards the tattoo then get stuck in traffic, soon enough Q
I see your fountain and raise you one human |
realized she had left her cell phone in the bathroom at the Dunk. We got as close to
the shop as possible, dropped Danica off
about a block away, then me and Gerri were off to go back to the Dunkin Donuts and retrieve the phone. It took an hour to get these then by the time we parked and whatever the tattoo was done, kind of a bum deal. We decided to go look for food but with all the St. Patrick's day "Celebrators" everywhere was packed. We went to come park, climbed a fountain then got in the car and drove around. We got father and farther out looking for some Irish place to eat, the GPS's failed us (three phones and one GPS) We found some Irish pub type thing that I couldn't even get into because I wasn't 21... but they were serving food so I guess I don't get it. We went to a sweet antique shop, I met a new fur friend and we then continued our adventure to find food. We came along a pub where they weren't IDing and I ate a high quality cheeseburger, then BOOM off to Troy for the bout. Hellions of Troy
Vomit can't dance / EAT THE BABY / Troy <3 <3 <3 |
v. Assault City Roller Derby's Assult Squad. The bout was beyond amazing. It was a close game from the first jam. I yelled "EAT THE BABY" to the point where the announcer acknowledged it, Vomit, the ref, almost fell in the least graceful way, making it look like a dance, and when it was all said and done the score was 160 to 154 and ACRD took it, unfortunately. Once that was over it was off to Cortland to rest up for the next day. We got home around 1, not to bad.
Sunday: 3/18
This captures the car ride. |
Slept til 11:30ish and still woke up tired. Keefe came over so I could see him before he left back to Albany then I got ready to go see Hank. As if I didn't do all the worlds activities already. Danica and myself drove to Kat and Scott's house then off to Buffalo it was. We went to TGI Fridays once we got into the city where I ate another high quality cheeseburger then waited in line to see Henry.
The anticipation was insane. He is someone I look up to and I am just so inspired by and I was about to sit in a room and get to listen to him talk, which is something I really enjoy doing. He has a take on life that is like no other, in his book "Get in the Van" he says a lot of intense shit that just leaves you in disbelief, it's a really good read. Doors at 7, show at 8, longest hour of my life waiting for him to walk on stage and when he finally did it was just amazing. He walked on
wearing black on black, wrapped the mic cord around his hand and it was game time. The intensity of his stories and performance was just captivating, he talked for nearly three hours and I didn't look away once. I wanted to soak in every word that man had to say and when he was done I wanted him to talk more. Unfortunately he talked to 11PM so we couldn't stick around to talk to him after. I'm going to write him though, he is such a cool person. We got in the car and drove home, we finally reached Cortland around 2:30AM and then it was time for bed.
To be framed. |
It was the last three days of my birthday celebration of "Feb 18th to March 18th for my 18th" and I wouldn't have wanted them to go by any other way. Epic. Weekend.